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Roles & Responsibilities

At Hawley Primary School, we strongly believe that we are all one community, Children, Parents, Teachers, School Staff, Governors and Local Authority Officers. We are a microcosm of a wider society and it is the responsibility of all of us to develop our children to eventually participate and contribute to society in a mutually beneficial way.

We aim to ensure that each pupil develops self-respect, respect and concern for others, self-discipline and moral qualities such as truthfulness and honesty. Therefore, the success of our policy on behaviour depends on the involvement and commitment of all members of the community. Only by working together can we improve the quality of education of all our children.

Special Responsibilities

All the children have the opportunity to hold special posts of responsibility during their time at Hawley Primary School. Children can be elected by their peers onto the School Council or Eco Committee and/or they can opt to participate in one of the peer groups who work together each week for the benefit of others, to be Healthy School Officers, Happiness Heroes or Junior Road Safety Officers, for example.  

Children in Year 5/6 also undertake particular responsibilities as they reach the ‘top’ of the school, fulfilling specific daily duties to assist with lunchtime organisation and supporting whole school times such as assemblies and leading games on the playground.