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Attendance and Absence


We, together with the Local Authority, expect children at Hawley to achieve a minimum of 95% attendance each year. During the school year, we will work with families to support those who fall below this target.

Children need to arrive at school on time every morning. Children in KS2 need to be in class ready to learn at 8.30am and children in KS1 and EYFS need to be in class and ready at 8.40am. The gates to the playground open at 8.20am. The impact of arriving late by just 5 minutes every day will mean that your child missed the equivalent of 3 full days of learning over a year!  If your child repeatedly arrives late for school, we will be in touch to see what support we can offer to improve their timekeeping. Please see the documents below for more information about the impact of late arrivals.

We understand that children are unable to attend if they are unwell and if this is the case , we ask that you inform the School Office by telephone by 10.00 a.m. to explain the absence - a message can be left on the absence line. This can then be marked as an authorised absence. If we do not receive any explanation for absence by 10.00am, we will contact you to find out the reason. Please click the link below for help deciding when to send your child to school and when to keep them at home.

Is my child well enough to attend school?

Term time holidays are not permitted once your child has started school.  Permission needs to be sought from the Headteacher should you wish to take your child out of school during term time for an exceptional reason. Please note that strict Government laws are in place in relation to school attendance and these rules were updated on 19th August 2024. Absence without authorisation may result in a Penalty Notice and significant fine for Parents. Please note that one day equals two sessions.


If you have any queries about attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us as it is vital that school and parents work together.